Pulse, the survey that gives you the keys to strengthening the connection with your clients, a major challenge for brands.

What are the emotional levers that have a positive influence on the relationship between a brand and its clients? Which special occasions boost these emotional levers?
To find out, we questioned more than 4.001 people, accross 9 sectors and 40 brands. This revealed that there is still considerable room for progress in strengthening – or even creating – such relationships, to ensure better ROI. Does your brand have a good command of this relationship?






Emotional drivers



A somewhat low relational pulse

A somewhat low relational pulse

The brand Pulse Score, or relational formula, that measures the capacity to manage customer relations depending on a certain number of key relational drivers, is only 43%, all sectors included. Not much to write home about!

Thank me I’m loyal!

Thank me I’m loyal!

71% of clients would like you to reward their loyalty. But only 36% (yes, you read that right!) consider this to be the case. However, there are simple solutions that we have identified.

Brands are different
when faced with customer relations

A somewhat low relational pulse

The gap between sectors and between brands within the same sector sometimes exceeds 25% between the best in the class and the low achievers. However, it would not be hard to reduce this gap.

If you have less than three minutes, browse the main conclusions of our survey in our short explanatory videos.

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